

The World's Only Funeral System
About the timing and procedure of laying bones in the grave

About the timing and procedure of laying bones in the grave

 2020/10/07 - 08:28
There are many opportunities in my life to be involved in preparing dinner. Since humans cannot live without eating, there are many opportunities to be involved in nature and its preparation. But what if the thing was a ceremonial occasion?
What is the unexpected "how to move a grave"?

What is the unexpected "how to move a grave"?

 2020/10/07 - 08:25
When I was driving a car on a GW vacation, I found myself in a grove.
You realize that there is a grave that has been forgotten by people.
Not only in the woods, but also in the area on the way to the tourist spot, while many houses are vacant,
What are the precautions when choosing funeral clothes?

What are the precautions when choosing funeral clothes?

 2020/10/07 - 08:10
It's hard for people to hold funerals, but it's hard for people to be called. You have to wrap up your money, and if you're a close relative who died. It is not uncommon to have goods and garlands. Depending on the area,
About funeral and funeral etiquette.

About funeral and funeral etiquette.

 2020/10/07 - 08:06
A funeral is a very important scene in a relationship with people.
Even if you are invited by an acquaintance, you may refuse it if it is not convenient for you on that day.
Summary of greetings at the funeral

Summary of greetings at the funeral

 2020/10/06 - 16:06
At times like this, I'm at a loss as to what kind of greeting to give at the funeral.
At funerals, it is customary to give a slightly more formal greeting to the people you usually meet.
Correct way to send flowers for funeral

Correct way to send flowers for funeral

 2020/10/06 - 15:55
There are many ways to convey your feelings of sadness, but one way is to give a flower offering.
In recent years, it has become more common to offer flowers that individuals like, but when decorating the altar,
[Family funeral] The flow of the funeral and points to note

[Family funeral] The flow of the funeral and points to note

 2020/10/06 - 15:51
As a recent trend of funerals, the number of family funerals held only by family members and close friends has increased.

There is no rule about what kind of funeral a family funeral is, and the flow of the funeral is the same as a general funeral,
How much is the market price for donations and care?

How much is the market price for donations and care?

 2020/10/06 - 15:39
Fuse is a Buddhist term that means giving money or feelings.
The priest gives a memorial service to the deceased, and the bereaved family gives thanks for it and gives it with money.
Do you want small children to attend? funeral manners

Do you want small children to attend? funeral manners

 2020/10/06 - 15:34
If you have small children, you may be wondering whether to attend the funeral, but from the perspective of the deceased, such as grandfather or grandmother, it is more natural for grandchildren to attend.
What is a grave erection celebration?

What is a grave erection celebration?

 2020/10/06 - 15:26
A erection celebration is when a relative builds a grave or moves and rebuilds it.
As nuclear families have become more common, many people live far away from their parents' homes, and parents cannot keep their graves,