2020/10/04 13:21:37

What is the procedure and flow of a safe grave to know?

The tomb is a symbol of the clan that has been protected for generations.

Generations of ancestors sleep in the tombs, and the families living today go to the tombs with flowers and incense sticks at the milestones of life, Obon, and seasonal milestones such as the New Year. It was very important for Japanese people to visit the grave at these milestones and to clean the graves before the milestones. Do you have the impression that "graves are important"? There are so many "grave troubles" because many people actually feel that they are important.

How should the grave be managed? How can I clean the grave? There are many questions about graves, such as when people living far away visit the graves. From among such many questions about graves, this time we will take up the "procedures for graves".

What is the procedure for "graves" that end unmanageable graves? Is there a rule for the procedure for closing the grave? I will explain the procedure for closing the grave, focusing on the main points.

What is a grave? About the relationship between the procedure and reburial

"Tomb is closed" is literally "to end the grave". The grave is to end the graves that have been passed down from generation to generation according to the procedure. It is also called "abandoned grave", including the complete removal of gravestones.

The grave is important to the clan. It protects from generation to generation. Many Japanese people are aware of such graves. However, given the modern lifestyle, it can be difficult to spend money and time on graves. In the olden days, it was common practice to be born and raised locally, get married locally and take over the grave. However, if the working hours of work are also diversified, so are the residences. Of course, the land we live in is also diversifying.

It is not uncommon to marry someone who lives far away and build a family instead of marrying someone from the same land. Of course, it's not uncommon for people from afar to get married and have a house in Tokyo. Someone who lives abroad due to work or family circumstances.

The grave is important. Even if you have the consciousness that you must cherish it, there is a real problem that you cannot manage the grave by consciousness alone. It can be said that the reason why graves and their procedures have been taken up is that lifestyles such as life and work have changed significantly from the past.

Lifestyle changes have made it difficult to manage graves, and one way to do this is to follow the grave procedure and close the grave. If you can't manage it, the idea is to follow the steps of the grave.

However, just because you have taken the steps to close the grave does not mean that you should remove the grave itself permanently. After cleaning up the conventional grave according to the procedure of the grave, we may move the grave called "reburial". Even if you clean up the grave according to the procedure of the grave, you can have the grave in another place.

In fact, many reburials are carried out. According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's "Example of Health Administration Report (", more than 80,000 reburials have been carried out in 2014 alone. .. It can be said that there are as many graves as there are because the graves so far will be cleaned up according to the procedure of graves as a premise of reburial.

The number of reburials and graves is especially high in the Kanto region such as the Tokyo metropolitan area. It is said that this is also because an increasing number of families are reburial from local graves to the ossuary in the metropolitan area by following the procedure of graves. It's a story that truly reflects the modern lifestyle.

Three steps of grave

What is the procedure for graveyards that are increasing according to lifestyle? Is it okay to decide the procedure and setup for the grave on my own and proceed with cleaning up the grave? From here, I will talk about the specific procedure of the grave.

The procedure for graves may change depending on permission and discussion, but the procedure is generally as follows.


The first thing I want to do in the grave procedure is consultation with my family and consultation with the temple.
Do you really have a grave with your family? In case of reburial, let's discuss and decide where to renovate. In the case of a grave, not only one family member but also other relatives may be involved in the management as a grave for generations. For example, the eldest son's family has protected the grave for generations, but the second son's family may also be involved in the management of the grave by visiting the grave or cleaning the grave. To avoid quarrels later, let's summarize the issue not only for the family who manages the grave directly, but for the whole relatives.
Once the grave is decided, consult the temple where the grave is located. In the case of a grave, the cooperation of the temple is indispensable. Also, if you want to reinterpret at the same time as the grave, find a reburial destination and talk to the reburial destination. This is because if you talk to the reburial destination after the grave is closed and you are told that it is "full" and you cannot reburial, it will be difficult. If you need a new grave for the reburial, you should consult the stone dealer as soon as possible. Graves are not readily available for purchase and take time to prepare. Talk to your stone dealer as soon as possible to get your tombstone ready.

Get a reburial permit issued

It is an important part of the grave procedure. If you want to close the grave and reinterpret it, it is not a matter of folding the grave and transferring the remains to a new grave. You can get it issued by telling them that you will be reinterred at the window of the municipality where the grave is located. You cannot move the grave without this reburial permit.
In addition, you will receive a "burial certificate" from the temple where you are going to grave, and a "receipt certificate" from the temple or reien you are moving to.

A memorial service with closed eyes and demolition of the grave

The third procedure for graves is the ritual "closed eyes memorial service" for graves. A memorial service with closed eyes is a ritual to remove the soul from the grave. When the reburial site and gravestones are ready, please set a date for the memorial service and ask the temple for a ceremony. When the memorial service is closed, it is basic to wrap the donation, and the market price is about 200,000 to 350,000 yen. The market price changes depending on the area, so you can check with a funeral shop near you.
After the memorial service with eyes closed, the grave will be demolished. Be sure to tell the temple and the reburial site that you were indebted to, such as the period of demolition and the specific time of renovation.
The procedure for closing the grave is from ① to ③ above, but if it takes time to prepare the gravestone and issue a permit, you can proceed as soon as possible, such as by consulting about the date of the memorial service for closing the eyes first.


I explained "graves" and "procedures for graves".

Lifestyles are diversifying. It would be nice if the grave could be cherished in the same place, but it can be difficult due to family circumstances. In such a case, why not consider closing the grave and moving the grave.

You can talk to the temple about the graveyard, but the tombstone shop and funeral shop will also tell you a lot. Since you have to obtain a reburial permit from the government, you can ask various questions at the government office. If there is something you don't understand, it is important to check it first and then move on to the success of the grave.
