2020/10/08 10:46:38

Trivia about graves | Trivia about graves that is useful to know

A visit to a grave that was taken by my parents when I was young. It was always in the same place, and I felt like my ancestors were watching over me.

As I grew up, I had more opportunities to clean the grave. At first, I tried to imitate it, but when I grew taller and could reach the top of the grave, I felt like a full-fledged person.

The grave should have been close to us like this, but have you ever thought that you may not be familiar with it? Here are some tips on graves that are useful to know.



What is a grave

A grave is a place where the ashes (burnt bones) are buried, to put it only physically. But there are other implications as well.

It is the inheritance of family culture represented by "ancestor memorial service".

In addition to the fixed times such as Obon and equinoctial week, people who go to school, move, get married, have children, etc. to report to their ancestors, or when there is a hard time Many will visit the grave and talk to their deceased parents.

In this way, the tomb becomes the basis of our hearts, and it is passed down from generation to generation. It may be called a family meeting place.



The shape of the grave

When you go to the graveyard, graves of the same shape are lined up, so it's easy to think that a grave is like this, but in reality there is no fixed shape.

The overwhelming majority are traditional Japanese-style tombstones that are vertically long, but Western-style tombstones that are horizontally long are also common. You can also make it any shape you like, and the tombstone is called a design tombstone.



When to build a grave

Strictly speaking, there is no set time to build a grave. If there is a deceased person and there are remains at home, it is said that the grave is often built around the 49th, but there is also a way to choose a time when the weather is good.

We will build a grave and lay the bones according to the equinoctial week in spring and autumn. It would be nice if we could do it by the first anniversary. It takes a certain amount of time to build a grave, so it is said that it is better to have a margin of one to two months.

Please consult a stone dealer for details. In addition, there are various theories as to whether it is good or bad to build a tomb before life, but it is common to call a tomb before life "Juryo" and make it auspicious.

Since it is said to be auspicious and congratulatory, the name of the dharma name is entered in red.

In addition, graves are not subject to inheritance tax. From the perspective of whether to inherit in cash or in a grave, purchasing before life is also a tax-saving measure.

If you are comfortable with getting ready, the benefits of building a tomb in your lifetime may be great.



Caring for the grave

When I go to the grave, I often see people sprinkling beer or liquor on the gravestone saying, "My ancestors brought my favorite liquor." There is, so let's stop.

Similarly, detergents can stain. If absolutely necessary, use a neutral detergent. When cleaning, moisten a soft cloth or sponge and polish it carefully.

You will want to scrub it with a scrubbing brush, but be careful as it will scratch the surface of the tombstone. In particular, the use of gold scrubbing brushes is prohibited.

It is convenient to use an old toothbrush for small parts such as letters. Also, if you leave it wet, moss will grow on it, so wipe off all the water with a dry towel when finishing.

When cleaning, care must be taken to prevent moisture and debris from splashing into the grave next door. In addition, it is good manners to bring back food, drinks and garbage offered at the grave.



Moving the grave

The younger generation is coming out to the cities one after another, and the rural areas are becoming depopulated.

While my parents are still alive, I sometimes go home, but if no one is left at my parents' house, I can't go home just to visit the grave, and I can't leave it alone. More and more people are thinking about moving their graves as close as possible to where they live.

However, moving a grave is not "yes, it's over" by buying a graveyard and building a grave there. The law stipulates that moving a grave, that is, moving a grave, is called reburial and cannot be carried out without the permission of the government office.

A new graveyard and grave must be prepared before applying for a permit, as you will need a permit to accept the new location. Religious ceremonies such as "soul removal" from the original grave and "soul insertion" from the new grave are also required.

As you can see, reburial takes days, money, and labor, but it does not happen many times, and above all, it seems worth considering because the frequency of visiting graves increases. ..



About the graveyard

This is also not surprisingly known, but the law stipulates that only religious corporations, local governments, and public interest corporations can manage graveyards.

Therefore, no matter how much the deceased's house is, it is not possible to build a grave on the premises of the house. If you really want to keep the ashes by your side, you can leave a little on hand and keep it in a pendant or brooch, which is called a "hand memorial service".

By the way, tree burial, which has become a hot topic in recent years, is a method of burying under a tree without building a gravestone in a place that is approved as a graveyard.

On the other hand, regarding bone-cutting, there is no law that clearly restricts it, but some municipalities have established ordinances on bone-cutting regulations, and it is expected that there will be more restrictions in the future. It has become.



About the permanent memorial tomb

Due to the declining birthrate in recent years, there are many cases where no one inherits the grave. The number of permanent memorial tombs is increasing there. A permanent memorial tomb is a tomb that, if there is no one to visit or manage the tomb, instead provides a memorial service or management for a specified period of time at a temple or reien.

After a set period of time, it is generally enshrined with the bones of other people. This is an effective method when there is no heir, but once enshrined, the ashes cannot be returned.




It is a grave that seems to be known but not so much, but it is a source of heart for the family and a final home for the person himself.

In the midst of rapid changes in social conditions, the way graves should be may still change.
