2020/10/04 13:09:36

Summary of knowledge about Dharma names

When the family dies, take them to the funeral home and discuss the funeral schedule with the monk. After that, a funeral notice is issued and the monks chant the sutras in front of many attendees and bereaved families. For incense, flowers, incense ... When you say a funeral, don't you imagine such a scene? This is the most common funeral form in Japan, the "Buddhist funeral". In Japan, about 90% of funerals are Buddhist funerals, regardless of religion.

"Dharma name" has an important meaning in such a Buddhist funeral. We have compiled this so that you can understand the knowledge of Dharma names that no one can ask in 5 minutes. Let's review the basic knowledge of Dharma names, which are indispensable for Japanese funerals.

What is Dharma name? Basic knowledge of funerals

Before reviewing the basic knowledge of Dharma names, let's first confirm the basics of "what does Dharma name mean?"

Even if you know the word "Kaimei" to hear it often at funerals, if you don't know what the Kaname itself means, even if you ask the basic knowledge, you won't understand the meaning. Let's start with the knowledge "What is a Dharma name?"

To put it simply, the Dharma name is the "posthumous name."

You all have names given to you by your parents, grandpa and grandma. This name is just a name (common name) for living in this world as a human being. The basic idea of ​​Buddhism is to think that when humans die, they become disciples of Buddhism. When you become a disciple, you will be asked to give your name as a disciple. This "name of the deceased who became a disciple of Shaka-sama" is the "Dharma name". If you don't understand the idea of ​​Buddhism, it's easy to remember that "Dharma name is the name after death".

The name of the priest is basically given by the monk at the time of the funeral. Just as the name when alive follows the rule of "last name and first name", there is a naming rule for the disciple name of Shaka-sama. A person who has a deep knowledge of the priest's name is asked to attach it according to the rules.

In addition, there is a naming rule for Kaname, so even if you ask the monk, "I like the kanji for Hana, so I want you to put it in." "My hobby is drinking alcohol, so please put in the kanji for sake." Whether or not you can meet your wishes depends on whether the rules are OK or not.

The Dharma name is in the form of "Dharma name", and it is possible to have it given while you are alive. If you have any hopes or doubts about the Dharma name, or if you receive the Dharma name while you are alive, it is a good idea to consult a temple that knows the Dharma name.

Basic knowledge of Dharma names that you should know at funerals

Now that you have confirmed the knowledge of "what is the Dharma name", let's get into the basic knowledge you need to know about the Dharma name. The knowledge of the Dharma name is what you need to know when performing a funeral or attending a funeral. Also, when helping the mourner as a bereaved family, if you have knowledge of the Dharma name, consultation and conversation with the monk will proceed smoothly.

Unless you are a monk, you only need to know the basic knowledge about Dharma names. You don't have to learn Buddhist teachings, so it's easy to learn only the basic knowledge of Dharma names, which are mainly related to funerals.

The basic knowledge of Dharma names that you should always keep in mind when performing a funeral is the knowledge that "Dharma names differ depending on the denomination" and the knowledge that "Dharma names also differ." These two are the knowledge of the Dharma name that you should know when performing a funeral.

Knowledge of Dharma Name ① Dharma name changes depending on the denomination

The Dharma name is "Dharma name" in the Tendai sect, Shingon sect, and Soto sect. However, in the case of Jodo Shinshu, it is called "Dharma name", and in the case of Nichiren sect, it is called "Dharma name". Some denominations use the word "Dharma name" and others call it differently. As a knowledge of the Dharma name, let's know the difference in this name.

There is no doubt that the dharma name is the dharma name. Even if you use the words "law name" and "law number", they do not have a different meaning from the Dharma name, but the meanings of "posthumous name" and "name as a disciple of Shaka-sama" do not change. Only the words change.

There are not many people in Buddhism who are aware of the differences in denominations. Some people don't really care about the sect of the temple where they are a Danish family. Even if the name is different for each sect, it doesn't mean that it doesn't make sense if you inadvertently mistake the name for the Dharma name at a funeral meeting.

However, if the monk says, "What's the name of the law?" When consulting, you will be tilted if you do not understand this difference.

When the denomination changes, the word "Dharma name" may become another word. It is the knowledge of the Dharma name that you want to know.

Knowledge of dharma names ② There are differences even with the same dharma names

Even if they have the same name, there are differences. There are some differences depending on the denomination, but the difference in the Dharma name will be the difference in the amount of donation. It is important to know that there is a difference even if the name is the same.

Among the dharma names, starting with the dharma name "Shinshi / Shinjo", as the dharma name changes to "Householder / Big sister", "Householder / Shinjo", and "Householder / Sister" Will be expensive.

Kanameyo cannot be said unconditionally because it differs depending on the denomination, but it is about 200,000 to 300,000 yen for "Shinshi / Shinjo", 500,000 to 800,000 yen for "Householder / Sister", and "Shinshi / Shinshin". The market price is 700 to 1 million yen for "woman" and 1 million yen or more for "hospital resident / graduate sister". These Dharma names are just quotes. If you want to know more detailed prices, you can contact the temple where your house is a Danish family or the temple of each denomination.

At first glance, you may get the impression that the Dharma name is high. Certainly the impression is not wrong. After paying for the funeral hall, it is necessary to wrap the donations according to each name. The reality is that donations to monks account for a large proportion of funeral expenses.


It is necessary to plan the funeral expenses in advance in order to prepare the Kaname fee. If you don't know the name of the Dharma name, you will be surprised at how expensive it is after the funeral. Keeping the basic knowledge of the Dharma name also means that it will be easier to plan funeral expenses.

Kanameyo accounts for a high proportion of funeral expenses. Rather than making a plan in a hurry when giving a funeral, it is also troublesome for funeral expenses to know the dharma name in advance and decide "what kind of dharma name to give" and "how to prepare the dharma name fee" with the family. It will be a point for not having.
