2020/10/16 06:14:58

Terms about augmented reality

Terms about augmented reality

This time I would like to talk about augmented reality, which you may have heard a lot recently. I have mentioned that the processing power of the CPU and GPU is important when developing to understand augmented reality. NVIDIA, AMD, Intel, etc. that take the semiconductor share are known. This time, Intel has an article about augmented reality, so I would like to introduce it for reference.

In a world where the line between virtual and real is blurring, a breathtaking experience has been realized that, until a while ago, was only in the imagination of science fiction writers.

Virtual reality (VR) has remained the "next eyeball" for the last few years, but it's finally the time to create realistic images, sounds, and other sensations that look like they're in the middle of a vibrant virtual world. Has arrived. Augmented reality (AR), which adds virtual elements to the real environment, is also a hot topic, and both technologies are undoubtedly a big part of the future world. In mixed reality (MR), while playing a virtual video game, you can grab a real bottle by hand or use it to hit a fictional character in the game. Imagination and reality have never been so mixed.

It seems that the difference between VR, AR and MR is still a bit confusing, as so much is happening so fast. All of this fascinating technology is available to almost anyone, but before you buy the latest head-mounted display with the hard-earned money, learn more about what you need for a great VR, AR, and MR experience. Let's take a look.

History and future of virtual reality
Attempts to obtain "virtual reality" have been going on for much longer than the last five or ten years. With the introduction of peeping toys in the 1950s and closed flight simulators in the 1960s, the idea of ​​VR goes back even further.

Already in the 1930s, science fiction writers, inventors, and amateur scientists dreamed of an environment where they could use technology and machines to escape reality. The differences between virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality have been weighed long before we had the technology to realize each.

As technology has caught up with the novel, market research experts have begun to predict the rapid growth of the VR industry.


VR and AR integration-MR

Let's start with the most important definition of this term. Virtual reality can also be used as a generic term to describe other technologies that are similar to real-life virtual reality experiences, but they are not the same. So what's the difference between augmented reality and mixed reality? It is explained in detail below.

virtual reality

VR is the most widely known of these three technologies. VR gives you the illusion of a person's senses and makes you feel as if you are in an environment or world that is different from the actual environment, giving you a complete immersive feeling. Experience the world of computer-generated images and sounds using a head-mounted display (HMD) or headset. There, you can use the haptic controller to manipulate and move objects while connected to a console or PC.

Augmented reality

AR superimposes digital information on real-world elements. Pokémon GO * is the most well-known example. Augmented reality centers on the real world, but extends it with digital information and overlays new perceptual layers to complement reality or the environment.

Mixed reality

MR fuses the real world with digital elements. In mixed reality, next-generation sensors and imaging technologies are used to interact and interact with both physical and virtual items and environments. Mixed reality allows you to see the world around you, get into it and use your own hands to interact with the virtual environment. All this is done with the headset on. One foot or hand can be placed in the real world and the other in the imaginary, providing an experience that eliminates the concept between real and virtual and transforms the current way of playing games and work. Will be done.

Utilization of virtual reality technology

From games to movies and medicine, the use of virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality is expanding.

Medical-For training such as surgical simulation
Movies and TV-As a way to create unique experiences in movies and TV shows
Virtual Travel-As a means of virtual tours to museums and other planets while at home
Professional Sports-For training programs such as STRIVR for professional and amateur athletes
Games-From first-person shooters to role-playing adventure games, with over 1,000 games already available
What you need: Headset
Many VR headsets are already on sale, with varying performance levels and prices. Entry-level products such as Google Cardboard * use the user's smartphone screen, but PC-operated devices such as the HTC Vive * and Oculus Rift * provide a higher-grade, immersive VR environment. Microsoft recently announced the Windows * 10 Mixed Reality platform, which assumes the use of fully immersive headsets from Acer, Asus, Dell, HP, Lenovo, and Samsung.

There are several AR headsets on the market today, but more are expected in the future. Examples of good headsets include Microsoft * Hololens *, Google Glass *, and Meta 2 *.

Each PC-connected HMD has different system requirements, so if you want to buy a new virtual reality headset, you should check with your HMD vendor for recommended and minimum system requirements.

What you need: Computer

If you're considering buying a new PC and are also interested in VR, you need a product that can withstand heavy loads. When it comes to high-end desktop or laptop PCs for virtual reality (and other advanced tasks such as games and video editing), the CPU, GPU, and memory are the most important components.

Unfortunately, if these high-performance components don't work together, it can be a poor experience. With a powerful system, you can just lean, stand up, and walk around to ensure a fun experience. In VR with a time lag, the virtual world does not respond as expected. Not only is this disappointing, but it also increases the risk of motion sickness.

High-end processors assist in location tracking to control the reality and immersiveness of virtual environments, allowing you to enjoy a deeper immersive experience in a more faithfully reproduced environment. For a great VR experience, consider the latest generation Intel® Core ™ i7 processor.

Discrete graphics processing unit (GPU) is recommended. Also, for Oculus Rift *, HTC Vive *, and Windows * Mixed Reality Ultra, GPU is a requirement. The GPU is responsible for rendering the immersive, high-resolution images needed for VR. Downloadable profiler tools are available on the Oculus, HTC, and Microsoft websites. You can run this tool on your PC to see if the minimum requirements for a VR headset are met.

Experience selection

New technologies and products for VR and AR are being introduced to the market one after another, giving general users access to the new environment. It's up to you to choose between virtual, extended, composite, and new "real". Inflate your imagination and anticipation to try out new devices and expand your experience!

Important VR terminology you should know
Use the following table to review VR terms and their definitions.

the term


Important reason

Frames per second (FPS)

How often the system can display images (frames) continuously.

If you don't get a fast and constant frame rate (60 FPS or higher), your movements won't look right and you may even feel sick.

Viewing angle

The angle of the world that can be observed with the eyes.

If the display frame is too narrow, you will have to turn your head unnaturally.

Degrees of freedom (DoF)

The number of directions in which an object can be moved or rotated. Six degrees of freedom refers to pitch, roll, yaw, left and right, front and back, and up and down.

Higher DoF frequencies allow VR to move more naturally.


The time it takes for the system to respond / respond to movements and commands.

Latency is very important when the user is in virtual reality. If the system cannot respond immediately, it will not feel real.
