2020/12/04 08:47:37

What is systematization?


What is systematization?

I often hear the word systematization. What does systematization mean? This time, I would like to introduce an article on this theme.


For those who do not understand systemization "systemization ≠ IT"

When it comes to systematization, many people may think of introducing electronic systems such as accounting systems and sales management systems. In general, systematization is often confused with IT, but systematization is a comprehensive expression of methods and systems that can produce the same results no matter who does it.

If it is a method that can produce the same result even if it is a manual work, it can be said that it is "systemized". Systematization utilizing IT means making a device that reduces the rate of human error by processing a large amount of manual mechanisms in a short period of time.


■ Two consciousnesses that prevent systematization
There are many sites and books out there where excellent consultants and system engineers explain systematization in detail. We will leave the advanced talk to specialists, but here we will introduce the points that you should understand in order to proceed with systemization.

First, to express systematization simply, "If you put the information A into the system, you will get the result B." In order to get this B result, you need to clear two points.

One is to unify the information A, that is, the format and specifications of the input data.

For example, in the ordering business of products, orders are received from customers in the form of telephone, email, and paper, and some of the contents are written with the product number properly, some are omitted, and the customer calls them. Why don't you have different names such as those with different names?

If you are a salesman who is a friend of the customer and TU-KA, you may know, but if a professional person in charge handles it, you can not understand such a situation, it causes confusion, delays in delivery and mistakes in ordering. It may occur frequently.

Even so, some people may think that it is okay because it is adjusted by hand just before. But if you still have to process hundreds of cases every day, is that okay?

In order to accurately output the output of B, unifying the specifications of the input data of A is a major premise in systemization and is the basic of the basics.

The other is to unify the intermediate work from A to B, that is, the processing process and the tools used.

Some may think, "I don't care about the process because I only have to get the final result of B." Actually, this is called personalization. It is to process in a way that only the person in charge knows.

If no one other than the person in charge knows the flow of processing and the person in charge retires, no one can take over and the work will be delayed at once.

The person in charge changed, and he was doing inefficient work such as "I was steadily processing the parts that would be easier if I used access with Excel" and "I was also processing and processing data not related to B". It's a common case to find out.

In order to produce similar results no matter who does it, it is important to set rules for the processing method and follow them.

Actual work is often more complicated, and it will be carried out based on detailed rules such as coordination with other departments, combination and processing of several types of input data, and remand of data deficiencies.


■ Systematization and personalization
In reality, even if you know it, systematizing personal work is a difficult task. This is because it is difficult to clarify the purpose of why it must be systematized in the first place.

Regarding the work to be taken over from the predecessor, it is often the case that the viewpoint of whether it is personal or not is omitted, and even if it is inefficient, the work is carried out in the same flow. There are quite a lot of cases where "I'm doing the same because my predecessor was doing it". (Of course there are people who notice)

Also, although there are some contradictions to the previous story, it is not good to systematize everything. As long as human intervention is involved, personal work will not disappear. How much it can be limited is a very important point in actual systemization.


■ Systematization utilizing IT
I think that systematization utilizing IT will be requested to an external development company or cloud service company. More rigorous and accurate input and output awareness is required.

If the requesting party proceeds with the project without being able to imagine the inputs and outputs, it will add unnecessary functions or incorporate all the requests raised from within the company, resulting in an inconvenient system. Will be. The clearer the input and output at the requirement definition stage, the faster the cycle of prototyping and modification, and the easier it is to use the final IT systemization without deviating from the original image.


■ Procedure for systemization
Finally, I will introduce the procedure for systematization that is also practiced by outsourcers. If you can practice it properly, you can eliminate personalization as much as possible and operate with high accuracy.

1. Create a manual with rules and procedures.
2. Consider the procedure to check the consistency by comparing the input data and output data of the process.
3. If there is a complicated branch, prepare a checklist and record the number of processes and data in the middle to make it easier to verify the consistency.
4. Try to follow the manual and correct the discrepancy.
5. Have the actual operation staff carry out steps 1 to 4 and correct the parts that are difficult to understand.
6. Immediately revise the manual and checklist when operational changes occur. Even if you can't, be sure to put it in red (leave the date).
7. Modify the manual, checklist, etc. At that time, the modification history and the modification person are also kept.


Also, for tips on creating manuals and checklists, you should be aware of the following.
The format can be Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc. that are easy to use.
There is no rule on how to write it as long as it is easy for others to see.



1. Be sure to include an explanation that gives an overview.
Describe the business purpose, business flow, related parties, etc. It is meaningless if only the manual creator knows the operational background. If you simply tell the operation staff only the procedure, you may not notice the irregular pattern and operate it incorrectly.

2. Make the operation procedure easy to understand.
Depending on the complexity of the process, we will explain in an easy-to-understand manner using screen captures.

3. The checklist should be designed so that the date and time, implementer, number of cases, amount of money, etc. can be recorded for each important milestone of progress.
Check if the operation is performed according to the manual. Keeping track of when the check was performed will also help you review it later. Also, for simple tasks, it may be possible to achieve it with just a checklist instead of a manual.
