2021/01/31 08:19:06

Actual demand for digitization!

Actual demand for digitization!

Digitization has a gap between demand and reality. Although there are many requests, the actual situation is not progressing. Let's take a look at the current situation where the actual situation is behind.

Digitization of Japan "Late" 38.1% Established Digital Agency "Expect" 39.1% / 18 years old Awareness survey "Digitalization"

[The Nippon Foundation]

The Nippon Foundation (Chairman Yohei Sasakawa) conducted the 32nd 18-year-old awareness survey in mid-November under the theme of "digitization" while digitization was further accelerated by the corona disaster. As a result, the evaluation of digitalization in Japan is divided by 38.1% who are "late" and 31.2% who are "not late".

▼ Survey result points
・ Digitization of Japan "late" 38.1% "not late" 31.2%
・ What I want you to promote digitalization "Online lessons" 35.9%
・ National digitization "necessary" 65.5% "unnecessary" 5.8%
Reasons for necessity "Maintaining / improving national power" 52.8% "Speeding up / simplifying administrative services" 52.4%
・ Reason for delay in digitization of administrative procedures
"Deep-rooted customs such as writing and face-to-face principles" 34.1% "Awareness of weakness" 31.8%
・ Do you expect digitalization to progress with the establishment of the Digital Agency?
"Expect" 39.1% "Cannot expect" 20.0%
・ Items used on a daily basis "PC" 56.7% "Smartphones and tablets" 91.2%
・ Do you have the knowledge necessary for digitization? "I don't think" 51.2% "I think" 23.5%

“Online lessons” 35.9% and “quick support such as payment of benefits” 24.8% are ranked high for those who want to promote digitalization. More than 60% of the national digitalization responded that it was "necessary", and "unnecessary" was only 5.8%. More than 50% of the reasons for needing it are "maintaining national power" and "accelerating and simplifying administrative services."
The reasons for the delay in digitization of administrative procedures are "persistent customs such as writing and face-to-face principles" at 34.1% and "awareness of weakness" at 31.8%. Regarding the Digital Agency, which will be established next fall, "expect" has reached 39.1%, which is about twice as much as "not expect". What is needed to promote digitalization is "promotion of ICT education in school education" and "national initiative to promote digitalization" at the same rate. In addition, less than one in five respondents have the knowledge necessary for digitization.

Survey outline

Survey target: Men and women aged 17 to 19 years nationwide
Exclusion from survey: The following parties are excluded from the survey
Printing industry / publishing industry / media / media related / information provision service / research industry / advertising industry
Implementation period: November 13, 2020 (Friday) to November 17, 2020 (Wednesday)
Survey method: Internet survey

Digitization of Japan "late" 38.1% "not late" 31.2%

・ Many of the reasons why I think that digitization is delayed were due to the delay in digitization in educational settings. It was mainly pointed out that online classes could not be handled when the school was closed due to the corona sickness, and "The corona sickness forced the educational field to support online classes, but it was not possible enough." There were delays in the introduction of online lessons and differences in the response of each school, such as "Public schools could not handle online lessons at the time of the state of emergency."
・ The reasons why I don't think I'm late are that I think I'm progressing, such as "I feel like I'm progressing", "There are countries that are more behind, and I think they're progressing as a whole" If you are told that it will come out, there are places where it is not so, but I do not think that it will be delayed "" Because I did not get the impression that it is particularly late compared to other countries in the world ", etc. There was an opinion that it was not.

What I would like you to promote the use of digitalization "Online lessons" 35.9%

Promoting digitalization nationwide "necessary" 65.5% "unnecessary" 5.8%

Reasons why it is necessary to promote digitalization "Maintaining and improving national power" 52.8% "Speeding up and simplifying administrative services" 52.4%

Reasons for the delay in digitization of administrative procedures "Deep-rooted customs such as writing and face-to-face principles" 34.1% "Awareness of weakness" 31.8%

Do you expect digitalization to progress due to the establishment of the Digital Agency? "Expect" 39.1% "Cannot expect" 20.0%

・ The reasons for expecting the Digital Agency are expectations for expertise such as "I think digitization will proceed from a professional perspective" and "I think it will progress if all the experts gather." In addition, "because such ministries and agencies were created, I think it makes sense for digitalization to progress." "At least the government is conscious of reforming." "New ministries and agencies have been established. There are many evaluations of the establishment of ministries and agencies, such as "I hope that being able to do so will trigger reforms," ​​and I hope that the government will promote it.
・ As reasons that cannot be expected, he pointed out to his age, such as "I have the impression that executives are old for digitalization. We should include young and strong human resources", and "Can the human resources of the Digital Agency make full use of digital things? There were many opinions that it would not be possible to expect the involvement of members of the Diet and human resources who are not familiar with digital, such as "I don't know" and "It doesn't make sense for people who aren't used to computers to talk to each other."

What is necessary to promote digitalization "Promotion of ICT education in school education" 25.6% "Government takes the initiative in promoting digitalization" 25.6%

Items used on a daily basis "PC" 56.7% "Smartphones and tablets" 91.2%

34.9% interested in programming
18.8% of all people are learning programming languages ​​at their current school or at home

Knowledge necessary for digitization "I have it" 23.5% "I do not have it" 51.2%

Among those who use personal computers on a daily basis, 30.3% of the respondents answered "I think (= I am)", which is higher than those who do not use personal computers.

42.7% of both "learning programming languages ​​and IT literacy" and "improving school ICT environment" that are considered necessary for education in a digitized society

■ About 18-year-old attitude survey
The revised Public Offices Election Act of 2015 lowered the voting age from 20 to 18, and new "18 to 19 years old" participated in the voting from the next year's Upper House election. With the revision of the Civil Code, the adult age will change to 18 in April 2022. Therefore, the Nippon Foundation started an attitude survey in October 2018 to continuously investigate what the 18-year-old youth thinks and thinks. The aim is to help create a new society by gaining a broader understanding of the awareness of the 18-year-old who will lead the next generation.
